Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Master Cleanse for the 21st Century by David (Avacado) Wolfe

Ok, here it is the Master Cleanse for the 21st Century by David (Avacado) Wolfe.
Thirty some years ago, I was a very sick young man. Often I didn’t know if I would see my thirtieth birthday. I went to the doctors…and I got sicker and sicker. I didn’t know what to do but complain to my friends; only one listened.

He was an unlikely friend, an old old man that lived in our small community. He wasn’t well liked, and I really didn’t understand why. He had no family close by. I always liked old Stan. He didn’t drink or smoke but he was sure over weight in the belly area and he had a joyful laugh just like Santa Claus. I loved to hear him laugh. What a great memory.

He would tell me stories of when my dad was a child and about my grandpa too. This is when I really started to like old Stan. Over time, he eventually understood my health challenges. He suggested that I go see Dell Windrom at Regina Beach.

It took me months but I finally made it and boy I’m so glad I did. Dell was just an ordinary guy he worked a day job at the steel plant and when he got home at night; he had a long waiting list of patients with every conceivable illness or disease wanting to see him because nothing else had worked.

He took long searching looks at my irises with a special magnifier kind of like an optometrist might have used at one time. Then he even took pictures of them with an attached camera. He read my irises like a book of ailments plus claimed I have a very strong ‘constitution.’ This seemed so very odd but yet was all so very interesting because for years I had felt so weak and sickly. I was the last person to feel that I had a "strong constitution." Now I understand.

He gave me clear directions on what I had to do to regain my health and I really listened. I kind of liked Dell but really was never sure, but I loved the power of his convictions. At a deeper level, I believed him, even thought I had never heard anything like it before. I really really believed it. It’s like you really know when you hear the truth. It “strikes a chord.” Suddenly, there is harmony and there was a part of me that just "knew" I had found a piece of "truth."

One of the ailments I had was what they call “tennis elbows.” It really has little to do with tennis but I can see how playing tennis would have been impossible for me. I couldn’t play an ice game called “Curling” that was so popular during the long winter nights in Canada. I couldn’t climb rope at the school gym either.

Off and on for the last ten years, I kept my right arm in a sling around my neck. The pain was unbearable, even the slightest movement … totally regrettable. At times like this; my right arm was useless. To make matters worse; I was right handed. What a life!

Later; I’ll tell you more about how the Master Cleanse restored my elbow and my health in general.

But in the mean time, if you want to restore your health or just have the best cleanse out there, give the original or David’s version of the Master Cleanse a try and see how well it works for you.

To your better health.

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