Monday, January 30, 2012

Dr. Gabriel Cousens author of, There Is a Cure for Diabetes Can Help You

Dr. Gabriel Cousens author of, There Is a Cure for Diabetes addressed this issue of high blood sugar as a very important issue that is easily rectified.

He has spent a lifetime helping people all over the world teaching, lecturing and with his books; many of which are best sellers. He is acclaimed as the "world's" leading live-food medical doctors and even a spiritual nutrition expert. New York Times recognizes him as a fasting and detoxification expert.

He's a psychiatrist, family therapist, medical researcher, live food expert and holistic physician. He is also the Founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona. Harper's Magazine calls him “One of the world’s best 10 yoga and detoxification retreats”.

And if that isn’t enough he is listed in at least four of the most recognized “Who’s Who” publications and makes appearances on major media programs and magazines worldwide.

His list of qualifications and experience seems endless.

If you want to learn from an expert on health and spirituality, Dr. Cousens seems to have it all.

The Glycemic Index In Plain and Simple Terms

This is a good standard to assess the effects of various foods on one’s blood sugar level; not only for diabetic but also those interested in improving their health and well-being.

Foods with a “high GI” like sugar is an example of a high GI food. Your body easily makes the sugar into glucose that it can use, but this sudden spike in blood sugar is like an overdose. Then the body must make a sudden rush of insulin to counter act the overdose and bring it back to a normal healthy range as quickly as possible.

Your body knows this is dangerous to you, but we like the sugar anyhow. We like how it tastes and makes us feel. It gives us a quick boost of energy although later it drops our energy so we soon get hungry again look for more sugar or highly refined carbohydrates to give us another spike of energy.

The GI of the food affects the size of the spike but so does the amount eaten and what it is eaten with. For example: if you had a bite of a candy bar that might not effect most people much but if you ate 4 big candy bars all at once, most people might not feel so good. Now if you ate one candy bar and it had many almonds in it, the protein and the fiber in the almonds would slow down the digestion and the blood sugar would not spike so far or maybe not at all. This 'total affect" is known as the glycemic load.

Whereas “low glycemic foods” don’t do this at all. It takes a bit of getting use to, but once you aren’t eating high GI foods you lose the cravings, your energy will be more consistent and evens out because the glucose is release slowly into the blood in a natural way that your body is designed to work. Then you will feel so much better and your body will tend to lose weight as well.

So, if you want to feel more energy and enjoy better health; slowly switch over to low GI foods.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Know the Glycemic Index; Improve Your Health Now

During the early, 1980’s Dr. David Jenkins from the University of Toronto wanted to know which foods were best for those with diabetes. He came up with the first GI (glycemic Index) it contained 51 food rated on a scale in which he compared them to the effect sugar has on the blood sugar level.

This is similar to the “blood glucose” test a doctor might give you today to determine if you have a problem utilizing glucose. In the standardized test, you are given a pre-determined amount of glucose (usually 50 grams). After 2 hours the blood glucose level is retested to see if it falls within the “normal range.” This widely used to determine the bodies ability to deal effectively with high blood sugar levels.

There are two ways the International table of glycemic index and glycemic load values that are commonly used. The first based on sugar, ranked at 100, the highest level. The second based on white bread, ranked at 70 leaving sugar at 143. There are useful and practical ways for the end user to use these depending upon the individual needs.

The GI of the food ingested reflects in the blood glucose. The insulin from the pancreas is designed to counter act the high blood sugar level from the immediate and sudden surge in blood sugar (this can easily go to a critical level if it was a “high” GI food that was ingested and the pancreas is not fully functioning, as it should).

Diabetics go into life threatening “insulin shock” when this happens.
The body is not adapted to supplying so much insulin on a daily and on-going basis. The pancreas can’t keep up, as a result problems called “disease” develop in time. The most obvious of these is diabetes.

There are many preventable “diseased conditions” as well that are effected by chronic high blood sugar levels.

“several studies have shown that the dietary GI is a good predictor of HDL concentrations in the healthy population, whereas the amount and type of fat are not.”

That’s good to know what really does cause our disease conditions. More about that later.

For now, go to the links below and learn how easy it is to know what the high and low glycemic foods are. Stay way from the high GI foods and eat more of the low GI foods that are slowly absorbed and do not give the sudden spike in blood sugar levels for your good health and well-being.

International table of glycemic index and glycemic load
values: 2002 A listing of 750 worldwide regional foods

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Master Cleanse for the 21st Century by David (Avacado) Wolfe

Ok, here it is the Master Cleanse for the 21st Century by David (Avacado) Wolfe.
Thirty some years ago, I was a very sick young man. Often I didn’t know if I would see my thirtieth birthday. I went to the doctors…and I got sicker and sicker. I didn’t know what to do but complain to my friends; only one listened.

He was an unlikely friend, an old old man that lived in our small community. He wasn’t well liked, and I really didn’t understand why. He had no family close by. I always liked old Stan. He didn’t drink or smoke but he was sure over weight in the belly area and he had a joyful laugh just like Santa Claus. I loved to hear him laugh. What a great memory.

He would tell me stories of when my dad was a child and about my grandpa too. This is when I really started to like old Stan. Over time, he eventually understood my health challenges. He suggested that I go see Dell Windrom at Regina Beach.

It took me months but I finally made it and boy I’m so glad I did. Dell was just an ordinary guy he worked a day job at the steel plant and when he got home at night; he had a long waiting list of patients with every conceivable illness or disease wanting to see him because nothing else had worked.

He took long searching looks at my irises with a special magnifier kind of like an optometrist might have used at one time. Then he even took pictures of them with an attached camera. He read my irises like a book of ailments plus claimed I have a very strong ‘constitution.’ This seemed so very odd but yet was all so very interesting because for years I had felt so weak and sickly. I was the last person to feel that I had a "strong constitution." Now I understand.

He gave me clear directions on what I had to do to regain my health and I really listened. I kind of liked Dell but really was never sure, but I loved the power of his convictions. At a deeper level, I believed him, even thought I had never heard anything like it before. I really really believed it. It’s like you really know when you hear the truth. It “strikes a chord.” Suddenly, there is harmony and there was a part of me that just "knew" I had found a piece of "truth."

One of the ailments I had was what they call “tennis elbows.” It really has little to do with tennis but I can see how playing tennis would have been impossible for me. I couldn’t play an ice game called “Curling” that was so popular during the long winter nights in Canada. I couldn’t climb rope at the school gym either.

Off and on for the last ten years, I kept my right arm in a sling around my neck. The pain was unbearable, even the slightest movement … totally regrettable. At times like this; my right arm was useless. To make matters worse; I was right handed. What a life!

Later; I’ll tell you more about how the Master Cleanse restored my elbow and my health in general.

But in the mean time, if you want to restore your health or just have the best cleanse out there, give the original or David’s version of the Master Cleanse a try and see how well it works for you.

To your better health.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to make your home made lemon aid as directed by the late Stanley Burroughs.

This is his famous “Master Cleanse” lemon aid. I have personally used this many times. Sometimes for the full 10 days as he recommends for a deep rejuvenating cleanse .
Recently David Avacado Wolfe has up graded this valuable healing recipe with new information, which I will get to tomorrow. But for now, this is a great recipe that you can enjoy anytime. It still tastes great and is so very good for you.

Basic recipe:
One fresh lemon (sometimes I use limes, they are usually cheaper and seem just as good, some say even better)
Pure organic maple syrup (in an equal amount till you know how sweet you like it) sometimes I just use stevia.
Very hot cayenne pepper to taste
8 ounces of clean drinking water.

Mix and enjoy. To your good health.

How to Forgive when you just can't let it go.

Forgiveness is usually the hardest thing of all. Forgiving our parents, siblings, teachers, friends and enemies. Where do you begin? The church; maybe. Therapy, maybe? Prayer? What to do we do when we have exhausted all known avenues and we still harbor ill feelings that we know are holding us back from our future? And often cause us to fail.

Steve Andreas has a solution that has helped countless droves that just can’t let go of that pesky grievance. Ten years ago, he and his wife discovered the essential components and developed a ‘recipe’ for creating forgiveness of even the most stubborn and hard to get at emotional wounds.

First he defines the elements of forgiveness and how you recognize if forgiveness has truly occurred. He gives simple and effective experiments that can be done right at home by yourself which give great insight to any grievance.

Plus, he also give a transcript of an actual session with Ann who has an anger she just can’t let go of. By the end of the short session, Ann says, “I feel softness, and tenderness, and understanding, and a real connection that wasn't there before.”

If you have a grievance, anger or hostility toward someone, have a look at what Steve outlines on his website. Just knowing there is help “out there” is helpful to know if the situation arises.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How you can obtain lasting; "peace within, peace between and peace among" your circle

In the most basic sense, Virginia Satir’s work focused on "Becoming More Fully Human." She started and developed professional level training groups with her methods in North and South America, Europe including Russia and even the Middle East and the Orient.

Her innovated work included clarification and new distinctions on the “presenting issue.” She shows that this is NOT the real issue but merely what is seen on the surface. The real problem is the way people cope with the issues created by the problem; “the reaction”. She offers great insight to this fundamental level of therapy that still attracts great appeal especially through NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming).

As her books became available; her reputation worldwide grew and she began to speak internationally. As a result, many groups spawned to carry on her work at the local level within professional circles. Beautiful People is one such group, as is the Avanta Network. She is recognized by several honorary doctorates.

In the 1970’s her successful “models of therapy” attracted the attention and study of Richard Bandler and John Grinder who used it as one of the three fundamental models of NLP. A student of Bandler and Grinder; Steve Andreas, wrote Virginia Satir: The Patterns of Her Magic (1991) which gives a summary of her work and how to apply in script form in “Forgiving Parents.”

If you have, interpersonal relationship challenges; have a look at her work and how it can enhance the “peace within, peace between and peace among” your family, friends and peers.

"The Top 10: The Most Influential Therapists of the Past Quarter-Century". Psychotherapy Networker. 2007. Retrieved 2007-06-25.

Robert Dilts and Roxanna Erickson Klein (2006) "Historical: Neuro-linguistic Programming" in The Milton H. Erickson Foundation: Newsletter Summer 2006, 26(2).

Saturday, January 21, 2012

85 year old cure for the common cold just might work for you

The more ‘medicine advances it seems the less chance we have of ever being ‘cured’. Now the claim; there is no cure for any disease even with the ad of expensive drugs and surgeries. And then there are those that say that there are many ways to heal and cure any disease without dangerous drugs, surgeries or vaccinations. I always helps if you have an open mind to the alternatives (just don’t let your brain fall out in the process. Always maintain your common sense)

However, here’s an interesting one about what Arm and Hammer recommended to treat the common cold more than 85 years ago. This is a quick and safe way to alkalize your system and restore your immune system when it is weak. When your immune system is weak, this is when you are susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Have you ever wondered why some people get sick and others don’t. That’s because the immune systems are different and the weak one is compromised.

In Dr. Mercola’s article he gives the Arm and Hammer cure for the common cold:
Recommended dosages from the Arm & Hammer Company for colds and influenza back in 1925 were:

• Day 1 -- Take six doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water, at about two hour intervals
• Day 2 -- Take four doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water, at the same intervals
• Day 3 -- Take two doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water morning and evening, and thereafter ½ teaspoon in glass of cool water each morning until cold symptoms are gone

It is certainly worth a try. He says it is completely safe, non-toxic and cheap. You probably have a box at home. (It has many helpful and easy household uses also. see link below).

If you feel a possible cold coming on; give this a try. It sure can’t hurt.

75 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda:

Friday, January 20, 2012

Why David Avocado Wolfe is not a millionaire…

David has shared his ideas of what “true” wealth is in his inspiring article
Why I am NOT a Millionaire
By David "Avocado" Wolfe

Do you know who David (Avocado) Wolfe is? Well, he’s fascinating, like David Carradine from the TV program Kung Fu. Maybe you remember it as well as I do. He lived in the Taoist tradition, where it is wise to have as few positions as possible. This is the new/old definition of “traveling light.” To the Taoist this is the ultimate freedom because you have nothing to lose.
Why would David write such an article? We each have our own unique set of internal values driven by our moral compass. This is what guides our decision making process for good or for less than good. David has one that places many things much higher than that of money or getting rich. His value set is such that
If you are familiar with David at all you will know this man is very talented and could have been a millionaire many times over. In fact, he has made many companies millions during his long career promoting healthier living.
So, if you want to improve an area of your life and live longer and better; read his well-written article to gain the most from his wisdom.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Healthy Happy Tips for Good Digestion

Have you noticed the proliferation of ads on TV that all seem to have a bandage approach to your digestive troubles? You will be relieve so learn that this simple guide has helped so many not only to better digestion but better health for a life time.

Even if you think you have good digestion; you may want to read this article by Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen. She’s an internationally recognized authority in Iridology, Nutrition, and Cleansing. She studied alongside her father-in-law, the legendary natural healer Dr. Bernard Jensen. He was a pioneer in holistic and alternative health and is recognized today through numerous awards of distinction. He leaves a legacy of more than 50 books that preserve his wealth of knowledge.

In her article; Healthy Happy Digestion, Dr. Jensen gives a clear overview of what good digestion is and the best way to improve your digestion. She list 15 rules as a guide to good digestion and digestive health.

If you want, good health and you are sick and tired of being tired after you eat. Follow her simple clear guide to better health.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Have you ever had a "bad day" and didn't know how to get out of it?

Have you ever gotten into one of those moods that you just can’t shake? This didn’t just start happening to you. It isn’t just who you happen to be. Everything that you experience is a product of your thought and emotional patterns often we call this a ‘mood’. “He’s not in a good mood” “He gets so moody” are both common descriptions. These are habitual ways of thinking that you have been practicing for many years. This is the level that most people live their lives at, never questioning themselves or how they feel and act.
Once you realize this is the case, your work in changing this thought pattern is half done. Awareness is the first big step.
These thought patterns can all be easily changed with determination and a little effort. Each day you will become increasingly aware of your thought patterns and emotions. It will be like you are watching yourself on television at moments like these. You will automatically become aware of your behavior now that you have been alerted to it.
Once you are aware, the “Tapping Solution” gives you an easy step by step method you can do yourself, in your own time without cost anytime you need it. The Tapping Solution is a combination or ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology that work wonders for so many of life’s issues.
So, if you want to change your life; change the way you think step by step to your success.
P.S. The Tapping Solution is highly endorsed by such well known names as:
Dr. Patricia Carrington Psychologist and Stress Management Expert
Joe Vitale Bestselling Author and Featured in "The Secret"
Dr. Norm Shealy Pain Specialist and Holistic Physician
Bob Proctor Author and Success Mentor Featured in "The Secret"
Dr. Bruce Lipton Cellular Biologist and Best-Selling Author
Dr. Joseph Mercola Founder Optimal Wellness Center

Sunday, January 15, 2012

You Can Prevent the Top Three Causes of Death and Disease in the United States.

The Yale Stress Center is leading the way in stress management. Knowing that we have stress is a given and that it costs us 600 billion every year in health care is only part of the story. What about the emotional toll expended on the individual, particularly the brain and its function over a lifetime. This is worth knowing. But most studies are for shorter durations.
Dr. Rajita Sinha is the director of the Yale Stress Center. She’s a professor of psychiatry and neurobiology at Yale University School of Medicine. Her new studies have shown an important distinction when it comes to understanding the long-term effects of various forms of stress. She and her team have found that the chronic un-emotion stress of paying the bills, getting to work and managing the home is one type of stress is of course harmful. But there is another that is even more important.
She calls the second group of stress, Life Trauma; losing a loved one, serious disease and other emotional types of stress play a major role in brain deterioration especially when added to the ordinary daily stresses that tend to weaken the brain in certain areas. Once the emotional stress/trauma hits these areas a lot of damage can occur and brain matter and function is lost in these emotional areas and causing one to lose touch with feelings.
But the good news is that the brain is “elastic” and can bounce back. Regular exercise is highly recommended, as is meditation and various other relaxation techniques.
So, when a major emotional stress hits; be sure to use a relaxation technique to de-stress yourself. Dust off the walking shoes, meditate or use one of the other de-stressing techniques for at least 20 minutes.

Read more:

Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to have the “Perfect Relationship”

Everyone has their own idea of what “the “Perfect Relationship” would be. Maybe it is one where you are always happy, content and feel loved. We all have our own specific variations of what this ideal relationship is like. The bottom line is that we might all like to have one of Unconditional Love perhaps.
As Don Miguel Ruiz states; the prefect relationship is like what we have with our pet dog. The dog is always in a state of perfect unconditional love for us and plays the part perfectly. We are the other half of that relationship, this is the part that messes things up because we have our own issues or ‘wounds’ as he calls them. We aren’t always in a state of unconditional Love as our dog is. We have issues daily and if we don’t allow them to heal; we and everyone else ends up suffering because we live through the same issues time and time again. We try to solve this problem by vainly trying to change the world and everyone around us, when the real issue is within ourselves. Really, we are the only person we can change.

“You cannot change other people. You love them the way they are or you don’t. You accept them the way they are or you don’t. To try to change them to fit what you want them to be is like trying to change a dog for a cat, or a cat for a horse. That is a fact. They are what they are and you are what you are.” Don Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love

So, if you want the “Perfect Relationship” see what your issues (wounds) are, allow them to heal so you can return to an Unconditional state of Love. By accepting yourself first you can leave the cats as cats and dogs as dogs and Love them all for being exactly who they are. Just think of how happy you will all be.
Have a wonderful day discovering the amazing miracle of Love that you are.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why do manufacturers give us the junky foods that we get?

A little common sense which is the most uncommon thing of all.

It’s easy to blame someone else for the poor food supply from the giant companies who now supply most of the world’s food. I sure don’t condone the efforts of the giant profit machines in the least, but the bottom line is; business is in the business of supplying what the consumer wants and making a profit. If the consumer stops buying … the manufacturing stops. It’s as simple as that. How many businesses are in business to ‘loose’ money? I haven’t heard of one and even if it existed, I’m sure you would agree, it wouldn’t continue for long.
How many black and white tv’s do you think are manufactured this year? It might and probably is a big fat “Zero”. Or what about 286Mhz computers? Nobody wants these ‘dinosaurs’ anymore. Technology has given us better products and more choices. Consumers always want more, better, faster, sexier and the manufacturer endeavors to fill that demand.
A lot is said about how manufacturers give us the cheapest least expensive products they can produce. And in most cases this is true. But guess what? The consumer wants cheap inexpensive products. If people only bought Rolls Royces … that’s all we would have in a few short years. No more Toyotas, no more Hondas, no more Fords, no more Chevy’s. They would all be gone to the every expanding junk pile of history.
Consumers have to take some responsibility for this; not just play the ‘blame game’ like a victim and shove all the blame to the manufacture. Yes, the manufacture can put additives in the food products that make us want to eat more. But in the end it is up to us to become our own “health expert”. The internet has allowed us to do this to a certain extent. The info is there right on the net. All we have to do is research it and put our results to work. But it has to be a higher priority. It’s not that we don’t have the time. We always have the time to do the things we find important enough.
Whatever people crave and demand, no matter what the reason … we get it anywhere, anyway we want it. People vote with their dollars every time they spend.
If you want good health for you and your family; vote with your dollar today; choose a ‘healthier product’ from the shelf the next time you shop. No more victims. Empower yourself today.
Best of luck to you who want to improve your quality of life by choosing healthier products.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Social Well-Being and your Health; World Health News

Definition of Health:

The World Health Organization definition of health has been used, unchanged, since 1948:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

I like that that they added "social well-being". How important is that? I had never really thought about that but it is so true. If you aren't getting along with your neighbors, friends, family and relatives; maybe there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Our emotional health is just as important as any other aspect of our health. Have you ever felt "sick and tired"? Or heard of someone who died of a "broken heart"? Feelings like this are surely not good for your general over all health, our grandmothers told us this.
So, if you want to live a long and happy life; let go of any grievance and Love your neighbor as yourself.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How do you know when you are healthy? Good question.

Everyone seems to know when someone is sick; or do they? How many times have you heard or know of someone that was as "healthy as a horse" and shortly there after; drop dead in their tracks.
My Grandpa was such person. He had just been to the doctor for his six month check up. The said he was in great shape and as healthy as can be. The day after he got his report, he dropped dead like a rock. He had a brain aneurysm that ruptured and of course sudden death. He was one of the lucky ones some say; he didn't suffer. I ask how many years had he already suffered? The illness and conditions we die from don't just happen over night, they often take years to develop to the "chronic" stage where they become life threatening. This is no secret and has become obvious to most.
I'm now 55 and I hear these stories over and over again. And I'm sure you have a few of your own to tell. I've been a student of Dr. Richard Schulze for many years now. I've thoroughly studied his manor publications he crated on healing with cayenne with Sam Bizer.
Dr. Schulze is a prolific writer and a wonderful and entertaining teacher, not to mention a healer that has been shut down by the medical authorities on more than one occasion at his California practice. The last laugh is always best. He gave successful medical practice and discovered he was also a great writer and teacher ... with a passion. Just watch his videos and you will see his enthusiasm.

He now has released his "4 Simple Truths for 2012". All for FREE on his website.

Simple Truth #1. Quality Nutrition; this is a must have for vibrant heath and energy at any age. We truly are what we eat.

Simple Truth #2. Effective Elimination; If you don't poop well you won't live well.

Simple Truth #3. Great Circulation,;your blood must move nutrients and oxygen into every cell, then remove all toxins and waists as well. This is a tough job in our toxic environment.

Simple Truth #4. Healthy Emotions and a Positive Spirit; positive emotion brings vibrant health and energy just as the sun brings us life.

Do you have a secret 'Love Affair' with sugar? It's ok if you do; BUT...

"Is sugar really that bad for your health?"
"It makes everything taste so good."
"How can it be bad?"
"Well, our dentists have been telling us for years that it is bad for our teeth. Our governments put a deadly poison,FLUORIDE, in our water to 'apparently' prevent tooth decay."
There must be a lot of people either just hate anyone for having a little fun with sugar or maybe they are right. OMG, heaven forbid that I should ever have to give up my favorite "addiction". If you don't think it is addictive, just try giving it up for a week. If you think you can do it; I bet you can't do it.
Nancy Appleton is a well known author of many books. One is called 'Lick the sugar habit'. She has done her home work and if you don't know what is 'wrong' with you or your kids, give this a try and become your own health expert. Nancy Appleton gives 141 reasons why sugar is bad for you. And she backs it all up with documented research.

Just have a look:

Look at the small print on your toothpaste. My Arm and Hammer Advanced White says:

"Sodium Fluoride 0.24% ... WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing is swallowed, get medical attention or contact Poison Control right away." Is this a joke? It's no joke. And you've been warned.

In case you didn't know there are alternatives. Tom's of Maine makes 'fluoride free' antiplaque & Whitening toothpaste that you kids can play with. Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) is another option, but it doesn't taste that great for the long term. I'm sure there are other companies that make products just as good as what I personally use.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Food, Health and Tips for Your Well Being

Have you ever thought about our food supply and how it is effecting your health and well being in every way imaginable? The food industry pays no attention to your health and the medical industry pays no attention to your food.
We have giant corporations: Nestle, Kraft, PepsiCo, Dole Foods. And those that directly effect the foods they produce with chemical fertilizers and un-natural herbicides and pesticides:Cargill, DuPont, Monsanto. Plus, dozens upon dozens of others that are in the mix. The only ones that escape this mass produced food supply are those that grow their own food.
Do you regularly read the labels on all the foods you buy and eat? You sure should for your own well being. None of these corporations are interested in your health, the labels will prove this to you once you read and research what the ingredients are and if the long term effects are researched by a third party that is unbiased to corporate greed and lack of respect. They pay no attention to your health; as long as people aren't dropping dead like flies...all is well in their view.
So, what happens when this all catches up to you and one day you find your self very sick. The medical establishment pays no attention to your food supply, assuming you can treat your body like a garbage dump and put most anything into it with no ill effect. Then they feed you a drug that apparently will patch your weak and ailing body until the next "bug" gets you down once again.
If you want good health: watch what you eat, organic when ever possible and of course the best option of all is to grow it yourself if you can. Don't use drugs unless you find there is absolutely no other way. Read the labels and find out what all that stuff is. If you can't say it; don't eat it. Eat local when every possible from growers you know.
To your good health and prosperity
Let your light shine in a darkened world.
Natural Life Magazine

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Would you like to see a Miracle?

Capsicum one of the most powerful vasodilators ever and it's all natural with no side-effects. I first learned of the miraculous properties of capsicum from Dr. Richard Schulze who was a die-hard student of Dr. Christopher as well. I personally used is many times with great success, not so much on humans as I did my goats. Yes, that's right my goats. You see life on the farm is not always easy, especially if you are a goat and live with three very frisky dogs that have hundreds of acres to run on. Sometimes, being the hunters that they were, they would get to chase the goats around. Usually this was all in fun but once in a while, someone would get hurt and it wasn't the dogs.
As you know, goats are a herbivore and as a result, at least I believe that there is a part in them that knows the Divine plan that they are food and that one day, someone or something will probably have them for lunch. So, they really don't ever fight for their lives like a dog or a cat would. Carnivores refuse to be eaten and will viciously fight to the death to escape such a fate. But goats what do they do? At the first sign of blood, they kind of faint, lie down (and say their prayers I suppose), their eyes glaze over and they just wait to be eaten. LOLS, yes this is really true, they do this every time.
I had been studying Dr. Schultz's Cayenne Cure for some time and had tinctures of cayenne prepared in the kitchen cupboard. I heard the barking the goats running, by the time I got out of the house ... the female La Mancha (goat the with the small ears) was on the ground and not moving a muscle. Her eyes were still open but glazed. At first I thought she was dead and noticed that she was hardly breathing. She had twins to take care of; she had to live but how. Of course I ran to the house for the cayenne tincture. This was really really hot stuff as Dr. Schulze always recommended. I gave her two really big droppers full in the side of her mouth; her eyes went immediately clear and he got up as if nothing had happened and ran away. LOL I had never seen anything like it.
This was my first miracle cure with cayenne that I will never ever forget and made me a believer for life. Since that time the dogs got after them again and I always did the same thing’ with the same miraculous result.
So, if you want to protect someone or yourself just keep a small tincture of cayenne close at hand at all times. And if their eyes glaze over and look like they are saying their prayers; just give them a big shot of cayenne and see a miracle for yourself.