Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to Forgive when you just can't let it go.

Forgiveness is usually the hardest thing of all. Forgiving our parents, siblings, teachers, friends and enemies. Where do you begin? The church; maybe. Therapy, maybe? Prayer? What to do we do when we have exhausted all known avenues and we still harbor ill feelings that we know are holding us back from our future? And often cause us to fail.

Steve Andreas has a solution that has helped countless droves that just can’t let go of that pesky grievance. Ten years ago, he and his wife discovered the essential components and developed a ‘recipe’ for creating forgiveness of even the most stubborn and hard to get at emotional wounds.

First he defines the elements of forgiveness and how you recognize if forgiveness has truly occurred. He gives simple and effective experiments that can be done right at home by yourself which give great insight to any grievance.

Plus, he also give a transcript of an actual session with Ann who has an anger she just can’t let go of. By the end of the short session, Ann says, “I feel softness, and tenderness, and understanding, and a real connection that wasn't there before.”

If you have a grievance, anger or hostility toward someone, have a look at what Steve outlines on his website. Just knowing there is help “out there” is helpful to know if the situation arises.

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