Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to have the “Perfect Relationship”

Everyone has their own idea of what “the “Perfect Relationship” would be. Maybe it is one where you are always happy, content and feel loved. We all have our own specific variations of what this ideal relationship is like. The bottom line is that we might all like to have one of Unconditional Love perhaps.
As Don Miguel Ruiz states; the prefect relationship is like what we have with our pet dog. The dog is always in a state of perfect unconditional love for us and plays the part perfectly. We are the other half of that relationship, this is the part that messes things up because we have our own issues or ‘wounds’ as he calls them. We aren’t always in a state of unconditional Love as our dog is. We have issues daily and if we don’t allow them to heal; we and everyone else ends up suffering because we live through the same issues time and time again. We try to solve this problem by vainly trying to change the world and everyone around us, when the real issue is within ourselves. Really, we are the only person we can change.

“You cannot change other people. You love them the way they are or you don’t. You accept them the way they are or you don’t. To try to change them to fit what you want them to be is like trying to change a dog for a cat, or a cat for a horse. That is a fact. They are what they are and you are what you are.” Don Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love

So, if you want the “Perfect Relationship” see what your issues (wounds) are, allow them to heal so you can return to an Unconditional state of Love. By accepting yourself first you can leave the cats as cats and dogs as dogs and Love them all for being exactly who they are. Just think of how happy you will all be.
Have a wonderful day discovering the amazing miracle of Love that you are.

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