Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Good Fat/ Bad Fat, what does it all mean to your Good Health?

Unless you've been living under a rock; you know all about the “good fat/bad fat” controversy. We hear it over and over again. This short article will get you on the right track to better health with a better understanding of the fats you eat.

Fact #1: We just can’t eliminate all fats. Certain types of fats are essential to good health. You will find little argument about this. So, it’s the type of fats you eat regularly that make all the difference.

Fats leave us feeling full for longer because they digest slowly, providing long-lasting energy. They also contain many fat soluble vitamins we need for good health.

There are several types of fats to know about. For today: Saturated, Trans Fats, Hydrogenated Oils, and Monounsaturated Fats.

Saturated Fats: are from animal fat (beef, pork, chicken etc), dairy products (butter, cheese, ice cream, milk etc) This type of fat is also found in certain vegetable oils (coconut oil, palm and palm kernel oil). Dr. Mercola claims that this oil is not as harmful as we’ve been told and in some cases like coconut oil, this is clearly untrue. Coconut oil is one of the best oils, especially for cooking because it takes the heat of cooking so well.

Trans Fats: Are the culprits that cause so much. These are the fats that the food industry has modified so they have a longer “shelf-life" and maybe more importantly...they are cheaper. These are two very important issues to the food manufacturer. They are not into your health in any way imaginable; they just don't want to see us dropping dead like flies.

Hydrogenated Oils:
Vegetable oils are often “hydrogenated” in a special process in order to get the “longer-shelf life” which the food industry craves because it brings larger profits. Negative side effect; is your bad health.

Polyunsaturated Fats: are from vegetable sources. Their demise from the food industry is well documented.

“Unfortunately, it had become increasingly clear that polyunsaturated oils, particularly corn oil and soybean oil, cause numerous health problems, including and especially cancer.” 1

Monounsaturated Fats:
This is another “good fat.” It is in certain oils, olive being the best. Canola also has it and a host of other seemingly beneficial characteristics but is not advised; more on this in the next post. Omega-3’s coming up soon too. Get the good stuff.

So, to keep up your good health or to improve it , stay away from All Trans Fats. Go moderate on Saturated Fats and be sure to include Monounsaturated Fats.

To your better health


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