Monday, April 12, 2010

How to develop your gifts, talent and abilities in Two Easy Steps ...

"The road to success is paved with accelerated failures."
Michael Masterson
What he means is:
First; you must be willing to take a risk and make a mistake.
Second; You must make most of your mistakes at the beginning or your career and then correct them immediately.

Then be sure to never repeat it. But if you do, and that might happen, immediately correct it.
So, in a short time you will be making "smarter" and "smarter" mistakes.
In fact, you are away a head of your peers.

You will know this is 100% true when you see professionals making the very mistakes you use to make.

This is the power of Accelerated Failures.

When you consider mistakes or failures in this light, you begin to see what a precious and
irreplaceable gift they truly are.

Where would we be without them?

Accelerated Failure makes us face up to ourselves by looking for a better approach, a new angle or a clear direction to facilitating our ongoing learning as we come to "Master" our; gifts, talents and abilities. Successful people no matter what they do, are not afraid to be "wrong" and make mistakes.

Now can you see that being wrong, making mistakes; failure are the all important
guideposts along your particular path to great success.

"To swear off making mistakes is very easy.
All you have to do is swear off having ideas."

Now we suddenly want to make more mistakes; have more failures. How weird.

But how do we do it? By asking for criticism from people wiser and more experienced than ourselves. Constructive criticism and helpful caring advice allows us to grow and learn much faster than we ever thought possible. Taken from this view point we can broaden and strengthen our understanding of ourselves and all others too.

Now take a brief moment to meditate on the idea of Accelerated Failures.
Take 3 deep breaths and as you exhale say,
"I am a person who makes mistakes and that is OK."

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