Monday, March 30, 2009

Take My Advice.

Your paper certainly rises to the level of exceptional. You answered every question correctly and completely
however I’m now faced with the task of helping you to write an even better paper so please read my thoughts on
page 32, 6.15. I truly enjoyed reading your paper. I hope you enjoy my notes. Your observations with regard to
meditation and guided imagery are true. I also meditate by emptying my mind of all thoughts and images. Hypnosis
is very different in that a conversation takes place with your unconscious mind using images and symbols (the
language of the unconscious mind). I will be looking forward to your next episode. Please keep up the good work.

Note: A long time ago educators learned that the teacher learned more from teaching the course than
the students learned from taking the course: and so all of these courses are designed to make you the
teacher. Armed with that knowledge you should respond to these objectives like a teacher in a
classroom. You should take all the complex theories and hypothesis and break them down using
simplistic examples and metaphors. You should never assume that your reader knows the definition of a
buzz word. You should respond to each objective like a teacher instructing a class that is taking their first
class in hypnotherapy. It is tempting to make lists to insure that everything is covered. Avoid lists like the
plague. Nobody remembers a list. Use colorful language. Paint memorable pictures with your words.
When I was a child there was no TV. We listened to the radio and our imaginations created
unforgettable scenes. Teach your students critical thinking, disagree with the author and state your case
like a lawyer. Find opposite opinions and use citations and references. Become a teacher with your own
independent ideas, beliefs and attitudes. If you do these things you will become a scholar and not just a
student with high grades. Take my advice.

Richard Hickman Ph.D.


  1. That's fantastic! I especially like the part about how your a scholar :)

  2. Hey, Thanx it really helps when you have good friends that believe in you. I'm glad your on my side.
