Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Are You Ready?


  1. Are You Ready ... to Meet Your Maker? Scared? You don't have to be, because you have already met your maker many times. You, are your maker. Quantum Physics has proven it. Wayne Dyer showed us the Power of Intention. Gandhi, demonstrated what just one person can do to change the world. "When I believe it, I'll see it." Colleen Brady. Belief comes first, seeing is the product of belief. We create our world, for better or worse. How is it been going for you so far? Are you like the blind man that fell off the top of the Empire State Building ... and said, "So far, so good." If that was you, and you could see, could you stay in the present moment? We are more than the mind, more than the body. What am I that God would be mindful of me?

  2. "What you don't realize, Sid, is that most of your life is unconsciously determined." Dr. Milton Erickson speaking to Sidney Rosen M.D. Two very conscious therapists seeking health and well-being.

    How conscious are you? And,how conscious can we become? Is self-sabotage normal or pathology? Who is pulling your strings? You I hope. Overcome self-defeating behaviors, with hypnosis from Alternative Health Resources on mp3.

  3. I love your enlightenment .You are amazing !
    Thanks for this wonderful work on universal wellness

  4. I love your enlightenment .You are amazing !
    Thanks for this wonderful work on universal wellness
