Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What is You Life Script and What does it Mean?

"Life Script" refers to the programming the mind accepts. From the time, a child is born and even before, the environment affects the child in some way. The child accepts everything presented to it without question. This is a very suggestible time in the child's development, therefore it absorbs everything it sees, hears or experiences as truth. The child learns to react to the environment in a certain way and develops a certain approach to living.

Eventually the critical mind begins developing and evaluates all experiences against previous experience, like a filter. The more experiences the child has, the stronger and thicker the filter becomes. The child learns to limit its behavior; both upper and lower limits build on the developed self-concept, self-worth, known abilities etc. This is the child’s life script; a complete set of beliefs and values that serve as a guide through out life.

The adult retains the limitations accepted in childhood. The adult's degree of success or failure, enjoyed or endured depends on these beliefs and values. Once beyond the success limit some form of self-sabotage will prevent further success. This brings the person back down to a 'comfort zone'. Similarly, as the person drops to a lower limit, motivation will prompt the individual to get busy and create more success and bring the person up into their ‘life script’ comfort zone.

The life script concept accentuates the mind's remarkable ability to succeed precisely with-in the limits imposed by the life script, never above or below for any length of time. This therefore shows that if the mind can work with this incredible degree of precision with a given 'life script' then if we simply enhance the life script, we will also enhance the success enjoyed in one's life.

1 comment:

  1. It would be nice if you would reference where the concept of life script comes from: Transactional Analysis. Eric Berne and the work of Claude Steiner.
