Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Priorities of the Physical and Emotional Sexual Personality Types

Physical Sexual Behavior Priorities
1. Relationships, Sex
2. Children, Family
3. Hobbies
4. Work

Emotional Sexual Behavior Priorities
1. Work
2. Hobbies
3. Family
4. Sex

Understanding one's sexual behaviour patterns is very useful especially in a relationship where the interactions can get complicated unless this model of behavior is known. The physical and the emotional have very different priorities that cause a lot of attraction but in time it get old. Even if only one partner had understanding of these behaviors many relationship problems are eased or eliminated.
Consider this scenario. She, (the Physical) felt sexually unfulfilled by his (the Emotional) apparent lack of interest as she called it. She became increasingly frantic as he became more and more disinterested, trying everything she could think of to get any kind of sexual activity as he slowly turned off. She became what is known as a "Flaming Physical". This is a common occurrence. She began wearing sexy provocative clothes and started to use sexual innuendos; he became more and more emotionally traumatized always acting like the strong quiet type as if he owned all the greatest secrets of life, love and of course sex. He controlled the relationship. She suffered. It wasn't really anybodies fault, they just didn't understand this critial way of understanding thier behaviours. Understanding this can make all the difference between happiness and divorce.

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