Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Proof that Vitamin D, the best defense against the flu

I’ve written about the positive effects of Vitamin D for over-all health and specifically for fighting the flu. The link below will show you proof positive that it is worth making sure you get enough of this important nutrient.

There are so many studies it’s hard to know which one to write about. But this one is good, even a bit humorous as mental hospitals can be.

The flu kills about one million people worldwide every year. This seems to be very preventable with the help of Vitamin D. Which really isn’t even a vitamin but a Steroid Hormone Precursor; but that is for another day soon.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Miracles Happen

“Wake-up! Wake-up! He’s not breathing again! Hurry!” “Not again” “Get the inhaler. Hurry.” “Get Dana ready.” “Start the car.” “It’s 40 below.” “Get him out of the croup tent and let’s go Now! We have no time… Just wrap them in blankets…just hurry-up…”

This is how life was for a small family during the bitterly cold winter nights in Canada. 2 year old Jeremy would slowly stop wheezing and we would have to rush him to the hospital for still another shot of prednisone just to keep him alive. This is a very risky drug to use. It has many dangerous side effects. This is especially true for children. It seemed we had no choice.

His 3-month-old sister wasn’t much better. Her health was rapidly declining since breast-feeding stopped only 2 weeks ago. She had lost the sweet smell of a healthy baby’s forehead; she reeked of the worse sour milk imaginable. She didn’t smile or play, she didn't even cry.

My wife and I both had insomnia from working long hours during the day together with so many sleepless nights. We just didn’t know what we would ever do or we were beginning to wonder how we would survive it ourselves.

During those long sleepless nights, there isn’t much else to do but pray for the lives of your two small children. Earlier that day, I had just had Dana at the clinic again be. We followed the doctor’s past directions to try every formula on the market; which we did. This time the doctor said, “I’m sorry there is nothing else that can be done. I took her home and wondered how I could ever prepare myself for her to die in my arms.

That night I wondered and asked God again to spare my children of this burden and save Dana’s frail little life. She had become so very limp and almost lifeless. The formulas were not agreeing with her system at all. In fact, they were slowly killing her. She would never make it to Jeremy’s age at the rate she was declining.

I prayed with all my heart and soul for a Miracle to save my precious beautiful little daughter. It’s hard to tell if I’m sleeping or dreaming or kind of awake or remembering something from the distant past; something that has been long forgotten. With insomnia, it’s all kind of the same, day and night. There’s not much difference. It’s like living a nightmare; but is all seems so “unreal.”

All I know is that it was for sure dark very very dark that night. A very dark night for my soul. So very dark but I wasn’t scared; I was terrified. No…I was beyond terror, I was numb…my beautiful baby girl was dying right before my eyes. And our son was so very sick for so long. There was nothing anyone or I could do about it but pray; which I did. OMG did I pray, for hours…till maybe I fell asleep. I’m not sure.

Someone; so very much like my mother clearly came to mind through the fog and haze of my restless thoughts. I completely trust her. She said, “Sometimes parents have to put their kids on goat milk.” It’s unusual, but sometimes mom knows things like this. We had tried everything … I had nothing to lose but my daughter and I couldn’t let that happen, ever.

As soon as the sun was up, I got myself ready. I told my wife that I had to find goat milk for Dana. I didn’t know if it was even possible. I had never even seen a goat, except in a zoo. Did people really have goats and really milk them? These thoughts never crossed my mind. There was a part of me that just ‘knew’ this could and had to be done.

Early that afternoon, I came home with several plastic bags of raw goat milk. Some was still warm and others were frozen. Within a week, Dana’s energy and playfulness started to return and within a month, she was right back to her normal happy self. So remarkable was her recovery we put her brother on it too. He didn’t recover nearly as quickly as she had but the progress was steady and sure. I’ve never been so grateful in my life as I was that day when I first realized that both my children would be alright.

They were both what I have come to call, “lactose intolerant.” They got it from me. I had it too as a kid. croup, whooping cough, bronchitis; over and over again. My lungs still show the scars on x-rays and it slowed me down in sports.

But now, the important thing was that the kids are ok and still are to this day. We all have to watch our diets and limit the dairy products to occasionally. Dana has brought me two grandsons. Both are healthy. My son is an electrician and computer hack.

I told mom about a year later as we marveled at the dramatic recovery. She said, “Tim, I don’t think I even knew that.” So, who did I see in my ‘dream’?

Miracles happen.

I feel that every doctor on the planet should know this, but they don’t. I wonder how many children and parents suffer needlessly, some die... Be your own ‘health expert’ your life may depend upon it. And always remember to pray.



Friday, February 17, 2012

thin people just naturally know that the rest of us just don’t “get?

The 7 Laws of Leanness

Is there something important that thin people just naturally know that the rest of us just don’t “get?”

You’ve heard of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Well here are The 7 Habits of Thin People By David Zinczenko

LAW #1: Lean People Don’t Diet
LAW #2: Lean People Don’t Go Fat-Free
LAW #3: Lean People Sit Down to Eat
LAW #4: Lean People Know What They’re Going to Eat Next
LAW #5: Lean People Eat Protein
LAW #6: Lean People Move Around
LAW #7: Lean People Watch Less TV

If you want a thin healthier body, follow these 7 easy rules for a energetic vibrant new you.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chelation Therapy, What is is? And Do you need it?

Chelation Therapy has been around for a long time. It received approval by the FDA for removing the neuro-toxin lead for more than 40 years.

The word ‘chelation’ originated in the Greek word ‘chele’ to claw. This graphically describes how EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) works, it kind of claws the lead along with a host of other heavy metals from one’s system.

This is necessary because the body does not know how to eliminate heavy metals, so it stores it away in little “toxic waste” dumps in various places around the body.

The best way known to restore the body’s healthy function is with EDTA. In fact, it is given much credit to have helped with other ailments as well; it may help reopen arteries blocked by mineral deposits thus rendering a ‘by pass surgery’ un-necessary, cancer and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Chelation does seem to be very helpful as I am sure it was for me.

What is involved? It is recommended to have a series of treatments for many serious conditions. I was set up to have one treatment every second day. This is to allow the body to de-tox completely before starting the next treatment. The liver and kidneys work overtime to accomplish this, so this is important to take the time necessary to do it correctly the preserves your health.

A specialist supervises the treatment and administered by a nurse in a clinical setting. The treatment will take about 2-4 hours while you sit comfortably in a big chair watching TV, reading or more likely chatting with your neighbors about how chelation has helped them.

The EDTA is given intravenously, usually to the arm or wrist. You can get up to go to the bathroom etc but you have to bring your wheeled pole and your ‘drip’ they call it with you. It is relatively painless. There is the needle and if they get the drip going too fast you will feel a slight burning sensation and they will slow the drip down for you.

If you feel you have something ‘wrong’ with you that the average doctor can’t find; chelation might be worth looking into. They will test you to find out what is best for you and put you on a schedule if you need it. My doctor, Dr. Frank Morales, was very helpful and always took the time to look me in the eye and answer all my questions. I liked that.



For more information see the following and do your own Google Search.

Good Fat/ Bad Fat, what does it all mean to your Good Health?

Unless you've been living under a rock; you know all about the “good fat/bad fat” controversy. We hear it over and over again. This short article will get you on the right track to better health with a better understanding of the fats you eat.

Fact #1: We just can’t eliminate all fats. Certain types of fats are essential to good health. You will find little argument about this. So, it’s the type of fats you eat regularly that make all the difference.

Fats leave us feeling full for longer because they digest slowly, providing long-lasting energy. They also contain many fat soluble vitamins we need for good health.

There are several types of fats to know about. For today: Saturated, Trans Fats, Hydrogenated Oils, and Monounsaturated Fats.

Saturated Fats: are from animal fat (beef, pork, chicken etc), dairy products (butter, cheese, ice cream, milk etc) This type of fat is also found in certain vegetable oils (coconut oil, palm and palm kernel oil). Dr. Mercola claims that this oil is not as harmful as we’ve been told and in some cases like coconut oil, this is clearly untrue. Coconut oil is one of the best oils, especially for cooking because it takes the heat of cooking so well.

Trans Fats: Are the culprits that cause so much. These are the fats that the food industry has modified so they have a longer “shelf-life" and maybe more importantly...they are cheaper. These are two very important issues to the food manufacturer. They are not into your health in any way imaginable; they just don't want to see us dropping dead like flies.

Hydrogenated Oils:
Vegetable oils are often “hydrogenated” in a special process in order to get the “longer-shelf life” which the food industry craves because it brings larger profits. Negative side effect; is your bad health.

Polyunsaturated Fats: are from vegetable sources. Their demise from the food industry is well documented.

“Unfortunately, it had become increasingly clear that polyunsaturated oils, particularly corn oil and soybean oil, cause numerous health problems, including and especially cancer.” 1

Monounsaturated Fats:
This is another “good fat.” It is in certain oils, olive being the best. Canola also has it and a host of other seemingly beneficial characteristics but is not advised; more on this in the next post. Omega-3’s coming up soon too. Get the good stuff.

So, to keep up your good health or to improve it , stay away from All Trans Fats. Go moderate on Saturated Fats and be sure to include Monounsaturated Fats.

To your better health


1 http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2002/08/14/con-ola1.aspx


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

South of the Boarder in Mexico, you my find the Medical Help you realy need

About 20 years ago I was suffering and I didn’t even know it. I could tell something was terribly wrong but I had no idea what. I was desperately seeking an answer to my many prayers.

During a trip to Matamoros Mexico to visit my dentist, I happened to stop at Dr. Frank Morales’ office just to ask about chelation treatments; curious as I was. I discovered a man very knowledgeable and with a good “bed-side” manner too; such a rarity on the US side of things. He determined that I was very toxic in 5 heavy metals. Some as much as 5 times what is considered toxic.

How I picked up this load is the subject of another post. But for now, know that there is hope.

If you haven’t found the solution to your “mystery” aliment; try south of the boarder in Mexico as I did. You might be surprise with what you find out about yourself and safer less invasive procedures that can clear up a host of ailments, some you may not even know about yet.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Vitamin D Deficiency is Why You Get the Flu!

Vitamin D plays a vital role for your immune system, if it is not there your first line of defense is out or order immediately.

"When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or 'antenna' known as a vitamin D receptor, with which it searches for vitamin D.
This means the T cell must have vitamin D or activation of the cell will cease. If the T cells cannot find enough vitamin D in the blood, they won't even begin to mobilize."

Researchers determine that there is a long list of chronic diseases linked to vitamin D deficiency. All are common to our modern indoor way of life.

Just a few are: Diabetes 1 and 2, cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, even depression and chronic fatigue.

For a more complete list, see Dr. Mercola’s article linked below. He shows you how to get enough and what the best sources are.

You can even join a World Wide Public Health Campaign to improve your health and help the researchers learn more.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Diabetes Is Not A Disease Of Blood Sugar! By Ron Rosedale, MD

“… one concept that I would like to make well-known to save thousands and perhaps millions of lives as soon as possible, is that diabetes is not a disease of blood sugar, but a disease of insulin and perhaps more importantly leptin signaling, and until that concept becomes well-known in the medical community, articles like the one published in this issue will fortunately continue to be published revealing the inadequacy of current conventional medical treatment for chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and the falsity of their advice about nutrition.”

Dr. Rosedale’s work clearly shows what diabetes is not and points clearly to what it truly might be; a problem with the body’s hormone, leptin. Leptin is the messenger that tells the brain if it is hungry or not.

“Leptin, a relatively recently discovered hormone produced by fat, tells the body and brain how much energy it has, whether it needs more (saying "be hungry"), whether it should get rid of some (and stop being hungry) and importantly what to do with the energy it has (reproduce, upregulate cellular repair, or not). “
It would make sense that to control weight gain; we need to understand the role of leptin, science is trying to tell us.

“Science is telling us that we must eat a diet that maximizes the accuracy of insulin and leptin signaling allowing cells,” . All we have to do is listen and learn from the right people and become our own ‘health expert.’ With sites like Dr. Mercola’s, Dr. Rosedale’s and others we have plenty of help.

Dr. Rosedale recommends a diet, “emphasizing good fats and reduced nonfiber carbohydrates/starches.”On his website, he goes into greater detail.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Obama promised "immediately" GM (genetically modified “food”) labeling

24 states now have the Initiative Process so “We the people” can have any law on the voting ballot provided we have sufficient public support. California has 4 such counties and Boulder Colorado is another what is working to protect the residence from un-labeled GM foods even though Obama has failed at the federal level.

Dr. Joseph Mercola has found alarming evidence. “GM corn, soybeans, canola, and sugar beets have made their way into approximately 80 percent of current U.S. processed grocery store items… The Bt toxin from GM corn, is already quite prevalent in humans;”

• 93 percent of maternal blood samples
• 80 percent of fetal blood samples
• 67 percent of non-pregnant women blood samples

“… The Bt-toxin produced in the GM plants is probably more dangerous than in its natural spray form. In the plants, the toxin is about 3,000-5,000 times more concentrated than the spray,”

“The food and agriculture biotechnology industry has spent more than $572 million in campaign contributions and lobbying expenditures in just over a decade, according to an analysis by Food & Water Watch. Key among the goals of this intense lobbying effort is to prevent GM food labeling and keep Americans in the dark about the contents of their food.”

This is why most of us continue to eat products that contain GM DNA because we just don’t know better. “A prominent GM food label would be a death sentence to U.S. GM crops,”

Monsanto the biotech giant spent, “$1.4 million on lobbying the federal government -- and this was a drop from a year earlier, when they spent $2.5 million during the same quarter.” “If California voters pass this ballot initiative, it will likely be the beginning of the end for genetically engineered food in the U.S.”

Boulder made great progress toward having all products containing GM DNA crops eliminated. The initiative in California could be the turning point toward a safer food supply by having all foods containing GM DNA clearly labeled. In the mean time, we can use foods with a clear label of Organic and get involved to end GM DNA in your food. Here are some useful links:

All quotes are from: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/07/colorado-bans-gmo-crops.aspx?e_cid=20120207_DNL_art_1

The Organic Consumers Association http://organicconsumers.org/oca-volunteer/

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fiber; to the better health of you and your child

The “vicious cycle” of blood sugar imbalance can be life threatening and certainly impairs the quality of life of children and adults alike. Adults always have a choice; whereas children don’t. This is not their responsibility. But the plain and simple fact is, that most adults don’t take this very seriously and depend upon their doctor to ‘fix’ them with toxic un-natural medication. The truth is, there are many things that we can do for our children and ourselves. This is prevention.

The axiom of, “An ounce of preventions is worth a pound of cure” has never been so true as it is with type 2 diabetes and its close relative hypoglycemia. Both are preventable and are at least controllable with a better diet. Usually a low-fat diet with sufficient dietary fiber will do. However, the problem is getting this info out to the people that need it; if only they knew how easy it is and were sufficiently motivated to do so.

Perhaps this article will prompt a deeper look into this plague of our modern lifestyle.

Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus at the Technical University of Dresden, Department of Medicine III, Genetics and Prevention of Diabetes, Dresden, Germany determined that, “A high intake of fruits and vegetables as well as pulses also exerts health-promoting properties. A high-fiber diet also plays an important role in the prevention of obesity and coronary heart diseases.” This is a very simple dietary change that most people can make in due time. It’s important to change the diet slowly in a manner that is sustainable for the long term and be prepared to slip every once in a while, but don’t be too concerned about it, just get back on a healthier diet.

Carus further recommends, “A low-fat diet with a dietary fiber intake of more than 30g/d was shown to represent an effective preventive approach… A high intake of fruits and vegetables as well as pulses also exerts health-promoting properties. A high-fiber diet also plays an important role in the prevention of obesity and coronary heart diseases.”

These are simple steps that can be used to move toward healthier living.
Carus insists but we can’t expect others to do it for us, “We must get the insulin down. Fixing the "toxic environment" by altering the food supply and promoting physical activity for all children can't be done by government, and won't be done by Big Food. This will require a grassroots, bottom-up effort on the part of parents and community leaders.” We as parents, we as responsible adults must take the lead, educate others and ourselves and leave the “toxic” foods on the shelf. Big business will surely notice and big government will eventually follow.

So, if you want healthier children and a better quality of life for yourself as well, learn about the healthy role of high fiber foods and how they affect your well-being.



Friday, February 3, 2012

DMSO is the first non-steroidal anti-inflammatory discovered since aspirin.

In 1961 Dr. Jacob of the Oregon Health Sciences University noticed that DMSO quickly and easily penetrated the skin leaving no damage. This amazing phenomenon captured his attention. So much that he did extensive research to discover a wide variety of useful therapeutic properties. Since, this property has been verified by numerous researchers.
Dr. Jacob also noticed that DMSO did many things very well:

DMSO is:
• An antioxidant
• Free radical scavenger
• And effective “ferry” that carries many other substances directly into the body, thus reducing the possibility of infection when the skin is broken.
• DMSO has been used as:
• A pain killer that works right through the skin.
• An anti-inflammatory when the condition is not infection or tumor related.

DMSO is used for:
• Cuts, burns and sprains, relief is fast and noticeable and can last up to 6 hours.
• Conditions that fail to respond to conventional therapies.

“Dr. Jacob said at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Health in 1980, "DMSO is one of the few agents in which effectiveness can be demonstrated before the eyes of the observers If we have patients appear before the Committee with edematous sprained ankles, the application of DMSO would be followed by objective diminution of swelling within an hour.”

In addition to the topical uses, DMSO is also used internally in clinical settings.
Stephen Edelson, MD, "We use it intravenously as well as locally," he says. "We use it for all sorts of inflammatory conditions, from people with rheumatoid arthritis to people with chronic low back inflammatory-type symptoms, silicon immune toxicity syndromes, any kind of autoimmune process…DMSO is not a cure," he continues. "It is a symptomatic approach.”

IF you have a chronic inflammatory condition that has not responded to treatment or one you would prefer to prevent; DMSO may be the answer to your prayers.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wabi-sabi, making Peace with Your Environment

Wabi-sabi is intimately tied to Zen Buddhism and the Japanese Way of Tea.

It's a subtle spiritual philosophy that sees home as a sanctuary; a simple place devoid of clutter, disturbance and distraction.

Wabi-sabi is a casual and frugal decorating style.

Nothing is new and everything has a story and a reason for being in the home.

Everything in the home presents an opportunity to see beauty, because beauty is ordinary.

It's slow and uncluttered, and regards authenticity above all.

Wabi-sabi finds beauty in imperfection and profundity in nature, which accepts the cycle of growth, decay and death.

Wabi-sabi respects age and celebrates humans over machines.

It reminds us that we are transient beings; that our bodies and material world around us are in the process of returning to the dust from which we came.



Dr. F. Batmanghelidj dispels any illusions about the drug companies being on your side!

“You are not just what you eat; you are what you drink.”

Why is water so important to your health? Water is the basis of all life; even your own. Your body depends upon the quality and quantity of water you drink every day.
Dr. Batmanghelidj’s 33 years as a doctor and 18 years of researching the symptoms of Unintentional Chronic Dehydration (UCD) shows that it can and does cause pain and many preventable diseases which can simply be treated with water.

"It Is Unintentional Chronic Dehydration That Causes Pain and Disease, Including Cancer In The Body This information had been methodically and fraudulently concealed until now!" F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

This is big business and as long as we remain ignorant, they will continue to survive and thrive. “The commercial "sick-care" system and the drug industry do not want you to know that in most health problems you are only thirsty and not sick! Why the drug companies have had to produce so many chemicals that are now proven to make 2,000,000 sicker and have killed over 100,000 annually -- even when used according to their manufacturers’ recommendations!”

Dr. Batmanghelidj concludes that, “We are routinely treating symptoms, signs and complications of drought in the body—“

Dr. Batmanghelidj’s findings are all peer reviewed and published in leading scientific journals...

BUT the…“…AMA and The National Institutes of Health -- that you fund with your tax dollars and believe they are working for you -- have so far refused to tell the American people they were wrong in their past assumptions about the cause of pain and disease in the human body… Who in his/her right mind would want to take toxic chemicals when all that their body needs is water.”

If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle, make drinking enough natural clean water a habit of your daily routine. Become your own health care expert; take charge of your health. Invest in your long-term health and well-being.
