Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ego is good, Ego is necessary, Ego can be mastered.

Everything that resides on the other side, in the realm of the unconscious, appears to the ego as being outside the natural human realm; thus it is magical, it is supernatural. R.J.Johnson; We

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Physical and Emotional Thoughts and Feelings

Problems is a relationship typically occur after the honeymoon stage and communication has broken down. The physical, can be male or female, needs to constantly know where they stand in the relationship. They seem very insecure and they really do need to hear this. But the idea in therapy is to educate both partners if possible. The Physical should not expect it and the Emotional needs to understand that there are ways to communicate caring.
The Physical and the Emotional types have different thought processes. The Physical first gets the thought which in turn is felt as a feeling and finally as an emotional reaction. Whereas the Emotional first get the thought which becomes the emotional feeling and then becomes a physical reaction. Very different thought processes that we had assumed are the same until now.

Priorities of the Physical and Emotional Sexual Personality Types

Physical Sexual Behavior Priorities
1. Relationships, Sex
2. Children, Family
3. Hobbies
4. Work

Emotional Sexual Behavior Priorities
1. Work
2. Hobbies
3. Family
4. Sex

Understanding one's sexual behaviour patterns is very useful especially in a relationship where the interactions can get complicated unless this model of behavior is known. The physical and the emotional have very different priorities that cause a lot of attraction but in time it get old. Even if only one partner had understanding of these behaviors many relationship problems are eased or eliminated.
Consider this scenario. She, (the Physical) felt sexually unfulfilled by his (the Emotional) apparent lack of interest as she called it. She became increasingly frantic as he became more and more disinterested, trying everything she could think of to get any kind of sexual activity as he slowly turned off. She became what is known as a "Flaming Physical". This is a common occurrence. She began wearing sexy provocative clothes and started to use sexual innuendos; he became more and more emotionally traumatized always acting like the strong quiet type as if he owned all the greatest secrets of life, love and of course sex. He controlled the relationship. She suffered. It wasn't really anybodies fault, they just didn't understand this critial way of understanding thier behaviours. Understanding this can make all the difference between happiness and divorce.

Stages of a Relationship

There are three easily recognizable stages of any relationship.

The Honeymoon Stage - We all know and love this stage. It is the first stage of most any romantic relationship.

The Plateau Stage - This stage is the comfortable stage where the partners tend to take each other for granted and sexual behavior tends to level off.

The Trauma Stage - This is an extreme stage where behaviors are exagerated. One or both partners may come in for therapy.

Emotional and Physical Sexuality

The sexuality of an individual begins about the age of ten to fourteen by trying to duplicate the behaviors that they see in those around them. It is adopted from the secondary caregiver who is usually the father. The adolescent whether male or female will attempt to emulate the father's sexuality (behavior) and as a result will then pick a partner similar in behavior to their mother. If the primary caregiver was male then the roles would be reversed.
Sexuality (behavior patterns) develop as a personality trait. Most sexuality tests in the 70% emotional to 70% physical range for the average individual. If the test is higher this indicates an exaggerated behavior that often causes problems in relationships and can usually be easily corrected with the proper understanding.

Dreams Have Three Distict Purposes

We all have three distinct types of dreams as we sleep which are classified by the stage of the night in which the may occur.

Processing; this is the wish-full thinking stage - During this stage the mind's attempts to sort out the thoughts and activities of the day.

Predictive; is a precognitive stage - Here the mind attempts to predict the events that may occur in the future.

Venting; deals with overload - The mind attempts to release or vent out the overload of message units accumulated during the day. This is were the business is finished and the mind is done with it. This is the most important stage of the three stages and most suitable for analysis. This clearly shows the growth a person has mastered. This is very useful to the therapist as an accurate gauge of the clients progress in therapy.

The Synergistic Five Elements of Daily Activity

The five elements of daily activity can work together synergistically to create a result greater than the individual elements combined. First, it is important to understand that the subconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and a fantasy created in the mind. Therefore, the five elements function on a subconscious level to replace negative beliefs, behaviors, values etc., with positive fantasies. The fantasies, being more productive, become the ‘new’ reality, thereby increasing the success, happiness, finances, relationships etc, for the individual. This ultimately results in congruent interaction between body, mind and behavior. The conscious mind can accomplish this by directly controlling what goes into the subconscious because of the ‘five elements”.

Each of the five elements functions in a specific way to bring this about.

Belief: That we are actively acting out our programming perfectly and therefore we are successful. If we are not happy with our result, we simply change the program and we will automatically be just as successful with the new program as with the previous, because the mind cannot fail at accomplishing its programming.

Daily reinforcement: Daily reinforcement is necessary to reprogram the un-wanted program at the subconscious level to the point where it will become an automatic permanent response.

Scripting: Scripting is an ideomotor response from the central nervous system that bypasses the 'critical area of mind' resulting in direct conscious access to the subconscious mind.

Time of day: This refers to the last half hour before sleep, also known as the 'magic 30 minutes'. At this time of day, the mind is overloaded and in a natural stage of hypnosis. So when something is taken in at this time it goes into the 'pre-cognitive' dream stage for processing.

Dreams: Once the new program is taken in, the old program will vent through the 'venting' stage of dreaming. The mind is now prepared for what is coming up. That it to say, it is then prepared for greater success.

We can take conscious control of an unconscious natural process to increase our success in any given area. We are effectively reprogramming our subconscious limitations of our ‘life script’. Instead of aiming for a ten and only hitting a six, we will hit the ten and feel good about it, no self-sabotage, no procrastination, and no will power, just harmony throughout the mind, body and behavior.

What is You Life Script and What does it Mean?

"Life Script" refers to the programming the mind accepts. From the time, a child is born and even before, the environment affects the child in some way. The child accepts everything presented to it without question. This is a very suggestible time in the child's development, therefore it absorbs everything it sees, hears or experiences as truth. The child learns to react to the environment in a certain way and develops a certain approach to living.

Eventually the critical mind begins developing and evaluates all experiences against previous experience, like a filter. The more experiences the child has, the stronger and thicker the filter becomes. The child learns to limit its behavior; both upper and lower limits build on the developed self-concept, self-worth, known abilities etc. This is the child’s life script; a complete set of beliefs and values that serve as a guide through out life.

The adult retains the limitations accepted in childhood. The adult's degree of success or failure, enjoyed or endured depends on these beliefs and values. Once beyond the success limit some form of self-sabotage will prevent further success. This brings the person back down to a 'comfort zone'. Similarly, as the person drops to a lower limit, motivation will prompt the individual to get busy and create more success and bring the person up into their ‘life script’ comfort zone.

The life script concept accentuates the mind's remarkable ability to succeed precisely with-in the limits imposed by the life script, never above or below for any length of time. This therefore shows that if the mind can work with this incredible degree of precision with a given 'life script' then if we simply enhance the life script, we will also enhance the success enjoyed in one's life.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Kangen 501 water machine

As of late I have been testing the Kangen 501 water machine. It seems to live up to the many claims and does in fact produce the strong acid and alkaline waters as advertised. We bought the machine because of our research over the years indicated that an alkaline body is the healthiest body. Being in preventative health care we of course were very interested. This machine is very capable of producing seven types of water. Two are used in the home to eliminate many toxic chemicals. For drinking, it make three strengths. It is alkalizing, anti-oxidant, micro-clustered and oxygen rich all to the benefit of a healthier body, mind and spirit. The final use is for beauty water that give the skin the optimal pH for a healthy glow.