There is something “Rotten in the state of Denmark” relationships break apart like dried leaves on a windy cold fall day, from what had once been hot vernal intimate passion. Why? It is now time to cultivate new attitudes and learn new behaviors that will create greater love, joy and happiness and extent our intimate relationships into our golden years. Is it possible? Yes, there is a better way? Can some people really extend the “honeymoon” stage of relationship indefinitely? Yes, and I would like to show you how.
This is a short intro into intimate relationships as see from the perspective of the Emotional and Physical Sexuality stand point. This is a view point that is well established within certain successful sectors of the relationship counseling support system based on the well known work of Dr. John Kappas M.D. Of the nearly 10,000 individuals that book appointments, 70% are there for relationship counseling. That is a lot of people, 100 hypnotherapists work there to handle that heavy case load and this has been going on for years.
This is important for you to understand. It seems a bit complicated at first as all new paradigms are, but when you stick with it, you will see a very different world. Not one that leaves you wondering, “What the heck happened?” This will leave you wondering “How good can it get?” I wish I would have known this years ago, life would be so different now. It’s not too late; in fact it is just in time, the perfect time for you to learn this life changing concept.
Can you relate to one of these two personality types? This has nothing to do with if you are male or female, all you ladies will be glad to hear of that. A man or a woman can be an “emotional sexual” or a “physical sexual”. This is in reference to behavior patterns learned early in life, usually from our parents. These learnings are unconscious learnings so deeply buried within the subconscious we really aren’t aware that they even exist, unless we make a deliberate effort to study these things, which you are. That’s the good news and there is much more to come that I want to share with you, because I know how valuable you will soon see this to be to you personally and all your relationships.
I would like to start with a quote from Florence Henderson, remember her. She was the wonderful mom on the “Brady Bunch”. What a happy family! One we all dream of, even us men, we really do. Sometimes it seems men and women are hard wired for hardship and pain the reason; because nobody had taught us any differently, until now. It will all become clear that this is not really true, when you begin to understand the basis of our behaviors. This is where E & P comes in, remember emotional and physical sexuality. So, listen up the story is about to get more interesting.
This is how Florence describes E & P, “The Physical (she) felt constantly unfulfilled sexually by the Emotional’s so-called lack of interest. The more disinterested he appeared, the more frantic she became in her attempts to engage him in any kind of sexual activity. The harder she tried, the more he was turned off. She became the “flaming Physical”, wearing low-cut, tight-fitting clothes, always throwing sexual innuendos around, while he became a “traumatized Emotional” acting quiet and dignified, as if he were carrying the great secrets about life, love and yes, SEX. Florence Henderson January 15, 1991.