Monday, March 30, 2009
Take My Advice.
Your paper certainly rises to the level of exceptional. You answered every question correctly and completely
however I’m now faced with the task of helping you to write an even better paper so please read my thoughts on
page 32, 6.15. I truly enjoyed reading your paper. I hope you enjoy my notes. Your observations with regard to
meditation and guided imagery are true. I also meditate by emptying my mind of all thoughts and images. Hypnosis
is very different in that a conversation takes place with your unconscious mind using images and symbols (the
language of the unconscious mind). I will be looking forward to your next episode. Please keep up the good work.
Note: A long time ago educators learned that the teacher learned more from teaching the course than
the students learned from taking the course: and so all of these courses are designed to make you the
teacher. Armed with that knowledge you should respond to these objectives like a teacher in a
classroom. You should take all the complex theories and hypothesis and break them down using
simplistic examples and metaphors. You should never assume that your reader knows the definition of a
buzz word. You should respond to each objective like a teacher instructing a class that is taking their first
class in hypnotherapy. It is tempting to make lists to insure that everything is covered. Avoid lists like the
plague. Nobody remembers a list. Use colorful language. Paint memorable pictures with your words.
When I was a child there was no TV. We listened to the radio and our imaginations created
unforgettable scenes. Teach your students critical thinking, disagree with the author and state your case
like a lawyer. Find opposite opinions and use citations and references. Become a teacher with your own
independent ideas, beliefs and attitudes. If you do these things you will become a scholar and not just a
student with high grades. Take my advice.
Richard Hickman Ph.D.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Life's Most Precious Gift
Friendships and relationships truly are “ships” that can take us to wonderful friendly exotic lands or leave us shipwrecked on a very strange and lonely rock. I read a study a while back comparing the social changes of our society of today, to that of 40 years ago. Back then almost everybody had one or two close friends they could confide in; today it is increasingly rare to find such people, a very sad commentary of our "contemporary" lifestyle.
I, like most of us have had a mixture of both the good and the bad relationships. I place a high value on them; as a result I work at my relationships. I spend a lot of time studying relationships that actually work, particularly monogamous relationships. I have learned so many valuable skills and concepts that have helped me and others too. They may not realize it, but when we change for the better, our friends change too. That’s about the only way we can change anybody, is by changing ourselves.
IF, I would have known what I now know; life would have been different for me, but it is what it is; all I can change is the present. My friends aren't any more imperfect than I am; we are just good people doing the best we can. In a nutshell that is who I am and I am pleased that you too have found value in that. Where would we be if it weren't for intimate relationships; nowhere, because we wouldn't exist? So, I am grateful for all my relatives and ancestors too. Half of them are women and half of them are men. They have all helped shape me into the man that I am.
I study what is known as deep psychology. To me, this is what my life has been about. So many questions seem to be answered by my studies. To me personally it is about the man I am becoming, not about a sheepskin on my office wall. I really don't think that I am that much smarter. I work hard with integrity and always do my very best. Sometimes that can be stressful but it is short lived. I'll be hard at it again soon, but always have time for my friends for a talk or a hike or send them a card just to let them know they are someone special.
I really love what I’m studying. I always was a "good" student, even when I hated high school, I was still good. My college years were some of the best years of my life. The experience opened up so many aspects of my personality that I knew little about. I was blessed with many wonderful mentors and professors that didn't just think outside of the box; they weren't even in the box; that’s a good place to be (if you are ethical, honest and truly seek only the best for others) a tradition I carry by standing on their shoulders.
My writing skills have improved dramatically over my lifetime, my papers are long, and my grades are amazing. The capstone of my studies will be my dissertation; that's my marathon. It is exciting. It scares me a little and excites me a lot; so that is a great goal for me. I hope to write my dissertation on a subject of general interest to the public about relationships; to prevent some of the thousands of broken hearts, shattered childhoods and lost dreams that we see every day.
As far as finding a "soul mate" I believe they are real and that we each have one. It would make sense that it is easier to find our "soul group" and with any kind of 'luck' our soul mate will be in that group. So look in the groups that are really important to you personally. It’s also important to love the ones we are with and always talk to those we make eye contact with. Relationships and friendships are truly, "life's most precious gift". Please take good care of yours.
Thanx for reading with me,
I've enjoyed it and I hope you have too.
Have a wonderful day,
Love, Light and
Many Small Miracles,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Life is Good!
Candace Pert Ph.D.
Intrapsychic Change!
Dr. Erickson indicated that intrapsychic change; both positive and negative occur quite naturally both in and out of hypnosis. Natural intrapsychic change has occurred regularly throughout one’s lifetime, hypnosis facilitates this natural process when an individual encounters an internal resistance to change. This resistance is often based in guilt, circular thinking and a narrow view of life. He uses three forms of intrapsychic change to by-pass these resistances which he treats as mere blockages that are easy to deal with; when the correct intervention is used. Often times this intervention seems manipulative and sometimes cold, yet when done as he does, with an optimistic approach in supportive of natural self-directed growth, positive input is accepted at the unconscious level, because choices are made from within. At the same time he maintains that outside intervention inhibits the internal growth that is necessary and needed. So, sensitivity to the delicate balance of intervention is required for positive intrapsychic change to occur.
To read the rest of this paper, just ask.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Subject: Here's something I think you'll like...
Dear New Friend;
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We’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.